

Although renewable energy has been ①become common around the globe these days, I still believe that the world needs to work harder to promote the use of renewable energy.

First, there is a limitation of using natural resources such as solar energy. The Japanese government tries to increase the number of houses which install the solar panels. However, because of the high cost for ③of installing the solar panels, many families cannot afford to buying a solar panels.

Second, many people, including experts and lawmakers, are arguing ⑥about the necessity of nuclear energy after Fukushima in 2011. Our lives depend on nuclear energy, but we also face the dangerous aspect ⑦danger physically and environmentally. Particularly, from the public health point of view, more people have been diagnosed with cancer since 2011.

Finally, global warming has been the become a / become the most serious problem in the world. Due to ⑧the global warming, sea levels will ⑨be increased in the future. To prevent the global warming in progress, we should use the renewable energy more.

From these three points of view, I believe that we need to promote the use of renewable energy. For our bright future, we need to review our lives and make efforts to save our precious energy.



Ex. “Smith” is a common name.

become common とすることで,「一般的な物になる」という意味になります。

②一般的なことを述べる場合に the は付けません。 the は「すべて」の意味にはなりません。

Elephants can swim very well. (*The elephants can swim… とはなりません)


Petrol is expensive.(*The petrol… とはなりません)

ただし、the + 単数形 で一般的な事を表す場合はあります。

School should concentrate more on the child and less on exams.


③the cost of …で「~の費用」です。

The cost of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold.

パン1個の原価は5倍にまで膨れ上がった 。

④afford は afford sth やafford to do sth のように用います。

Can we afford a new car?(私たちは新しい車を買う余裕はあるかな?)

We can’t afford to go abroad this summer.(今年の夏海外へ行く余裕はない。)


A. 冠詞なしの複数形 Lions live in organized groups.

B.〈a[an]+ 単数形〉A lion lives in an organized group.

C.〈the + 単数形〉The lion lives in an organized group.

この中で最も一般的な形は A です。

B はどれか1頭のライオンを代表として取り上げ、その種類のものすべてについて特有の性質を述べる言い方です。

C はその種類全体をひとまとめにして言う形。やや抽象的な感じになり、比較的改まった書き言葉として用いられることが多いです。

⑥argue は「議論する;言い争う」の意味では、自動詞です。冠詞が必要になります。

We’re always arguing with each other about money.


⑦face danger とは言いますが、face the dangerous aspect とはあまり言いません。

⑧global warming は無冠詞で用います。

The threat of global warming will eventually force the U.S. to slow down its energy consumption.

地球の温暖化の脅威によりやがて米国はエネルギー消費量を低減せざるを得なくなるでしょう 。

⑨increase は自動詞で「増える」の意味があります。

The population continues to increase.

人口は増加し続ける 。

⑩the を付ける場合は、「どれを指しているのか分かっている」と「言える」場合です。

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