

 Some people might think that men and women are treated equally in Japan, but I disagree with them. I have two reasons to support my opinion. First, it is true that more and more companies are trying to create a working environment where women can continue to work after giving birth, but there are still many women who have difficulty keeping a balance between work and home. For example, mothers are expected to leave work and go pick up their sick child from school rather than fathers. Second, the number of women who go on to a higher education has increased over the last 40 years, but even now more men than women go to college. I believe some parents still think that higher education is for boys and girls can be happy if they get married early, giving up their higher education. Unless these stereotypes are broken down, we won’t be able to say that Japan has equality between men and women.




* Some people might think that…, but

*It is true that…, but




*working environment(職場環境)

英作文中にあるように a working environment where… と関係副詞を用いる事で、「~な職場環境」という表現が出来ます。

*keep a balance between work and home(仕事と家事の両立)

*go on to a higher education(高等教育へ進む)

*stereotype(s) (固定観念)

stereotypes about Asian women

gender stereotypes



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