smartphone あるいは smart phone
スマートフォンの利点 (advantages) を表す表現
- 「便利な道具 (useful tool)」
Smartphones are useful tools.
(スマートフォンは便利な道具です。) - 「持ち運びが楽」
You can take your smartphone anywhere.
Smartphones are easy to carry around.
Smartphones are portable and can be taken anywhere.
(スマートフォンは持ち運び可能で、どこにでも持って行けます。) - 「多くのことができる」
With a smartphone, you can do almost anything.
A smartphone enables you to shop online without leaving your home.
You can enjoy chatting with friends, playing video games, or listening to music on your smartphone.
(スマートフォンがあれば、友達とおしゃべりしたり、ゲームしたり、音楽を聞いたり出来る。) - 「本をダウンロードしてどこでも読める」
You can download e-books on your smartphone and read a book wherever you want.
(スマートフォンに電子書籍をダウンロードして、どこでも本を読める) - 「写真がとれる」
One of the convenient features of smartphones is their cameras.
(スマートフォンの便利な特徴の1つは、カメラである) - 「学習用のアプリ」
Educational apps, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, can help you study more effectively.
スマートフォンの欠点 (disadvantages) を表す表現
- 「圏外、Wi-Fi が接続できない (out of range, out of reach, losing the Wi-Fi connection) 」
Smartphones are useless when they are out of range.(スマートフォンは圏外の場所では役に立たない)
You might be at a loss when your smartphone is losing the Wi-Fi connection.(スマートフォンがWi-Fiと接続できないと、途方に暮れるかもしれない)
*at a loss は「途方に暮れる」 - 「スマートフォンに依存してしまうようになってしまう」
Many people are obsessed with their smartphones.(多くの人がスマートフォンのことで頭がいっぱいだ)
*be obsessed with 「~のことで頭がいっぱい」
There is growing concern about drivers using their smartphones.(運転中にスマートフォンを使うことについての懸念が広がっている)
You many spend most of your time toying with your smartphone.(あなたの時間のほとんどをスマートフォンをいじって過ごしてしまうかもしれない) - 「注意散漫になる可能性がある」
Smartphones can be distractions. - SNS を通じた犯罪が増えている
Some people post offensive comments about individuals on social media.(SNSで個人に対する攻撃的なコメントを投稿する人もいる)
*SNS は和製英語なので、social media と言いましょう。
Cyberbullying can kill.(ネットによるいじめで人が殺せる)
I believe that smartphones should be used as learning tools in the classroom. It is true that smartphones can be distractions. For example, if you get an email notification in class, you will find yourself trying to sneak a peek at the screen. However, I would like to emphasize that the use of smartphones in education will be of benefit to students. I have three reasons to support my opinion.
First, you do not have to carry heavy textbooks or dictionaries. There is a growing concern about children’s health: over-stuffed school backpacks could cause health problems such as backache for children. If you download e-books on your smartphone, you only have to carry a smartphone.
Second, you will be able to save time with your smartphone. Your time in the classroom is limited, and if you use a dictionary in class, it will waste valuable class time. Educational apps, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, can help you study more effectively.
Third, one of the convenient features of smartphones is their cameras. If you can take pictures of the blackboard, you will not have to take lecture notes, which will help you concentrate on the class. In addition, even if you miss class, you can ask your classmates to send you the pictures.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that we should introduce mobile technologies such as smartphones into schools, because smartphones will bring many benefits to education as I mentioned above.