「義務投票」: compulsory voting /mandatory voting
「投票率」:voter / voting turnout
「民の声」:the voice of the people
「反映する」:reflect (例)
「選択の自由の侵害」:a violation of the freedom of choice
「白票」:a blank ballot
「いたずら書きされた投票」:a spoiled ballot
「政治的無関心」:political apathy
「~について無知である」:(be) ignorant about/of
「(投票などを)棄権する」:abstain (名詞:abstention)
「民主主義の欠如」:the lack of democracy
「民主主義に反する」:(be) against democracy
「民主主義をむしばむ」:undermine democracy
「投票に行く」:go to the polls
① Introduction:自分の主張を述べます。
*よく I agree with this idea. などで Introduction を始めるエッセイを目にしますが、このような形は避け、丁寧に自分の主張を述べましょう。
It may be true that mandatory voting can increase voter turnout, but in my opinion, Japan should not impose mandatory voting for the following reasons.
② Body: Introduction で書いた自分の主張を裏づける理由を書きます。
Firstly, by forcing people to vote, you may be able to make voters go to the polls. However, it does not follow that all voters vote sincerely. For example, you can make students sit at their desk, but it will be difficult for you to make all of them keen learners. Some students might resist you by disrupting the class or taking bad attitudes. The same thing will occur to voting. Some reluctant voters might cast blank or spoiled ballots.
Secondly, mandatory voting will lead to uninformed voting. One of the biggest problems in Japan is that many people are ignorant about politics. Some people believe that their votes are unlikely to change the outcome of an election. Such people could haphazardly choose a candidate without thinking about the outcome. In order to prevent voters from wasting their votes, Japanese people should be taught about politics from an early age.
Thirdly, compulsory voting is against democracy. Japan is a democratic country where people have the right to have a voice. Abstention is also a way to express your political opinion. When you do not want any of the candidates to become the next leader, you should be able to abstain from voting. In a democracy, voters should decide whether to vote or not of their own free will.
③ Conclusion: Introduction で書いた主張を、表現を変えて再度書きます。今後の希望、目標などを書けるとさらによいでしょう。
For all these reasons, I do not believe that Japanese people should be required to vote. It is important for the government to provide the people with more opportunities to learn about politics before forcing them to vote.